

そして先週より、PKKゲリラの葬儀が引き金となって勃発したトルコ南東部はディヤルバクルでの暴動のニュースについて、http://www.kurdmedia.com/ や http://www.kurdistanobserver.com/ などで目の片隅に入れてはいた。ただ、ディヤルバクルにお住まいのある邦人女性のブログを覘いてみたところ、料理や趣味といったほのぼの系の話題が続いており、この暴動については特に言及は無く、コメント欄でちらりと触れているのみだったので、ふーん、案外と現地における実際の状況は普通だったりするのかもなー、とか思ったりしていた。

が、昨夜アップされたクルディスタン日本語NEWSの一連の内容を見て、目が覚める。http://kurdistanobserver.servehttp.com/april2006/1-4-06-erdogan-wants-kill-kids-women.htmの記事("The Terrorist State of Turkey Condones the Murder of Kurdish Children" って、愛国トルコ人を怒り狂わせそうなタイトル)でも"the worst civil unrest in decades" と形容されているが、尋常ではないのかもしれない。

(The Terrorist State of Turkey Condones the Murder of Kurdish Children

Turk PM warns against use of children in riots
Mar 31, 2006 AFP, Reuters & AP より)

"If you cry tomorrow, it will be in vain," Tayyip Erdogan said in an appeal to parents to keep their children away from the worst civil unrest in decades that has seen youths burning tires and throwing stones at security forces.

A three-year-old boy died of gunshot wounds on Friday in Diyarbakir, the main city in the region, bringing the total death toll over four days to seven. NTV television said he was killed after police fired shots over the heads of protesters.

"The security forces will intervene against the pawns of terrorism, no matter if they are children or women. Everyone should realise that," Anatolian News Agency quoted Erdogan as telling a meeting of Party leaders in his harshest remarks yet on the Kurdish violence.



(Turkish PM Promises More Democracy, Welfare For Kurds After Riots

ANKARA, April 4, 2006 (AFP) より)

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan pledged more democracy and prosperity for his country's troubled Kurdish minority Tuesday after bloody riots that raised fears of renewed ethnic conflict.

